Dennis- age 35. Born and raised in Gettysburg, PA, psychology major and I work for a human services company finding work for adults on the autism spectrum. I like long walks, beaches not required. @WorldsOkayestDM

Philip hails from the mean streets of Downingtown Pennsylvania and has been rollin dirty 1s for thirty years. Wine and Cider making, farming, and running farmers markets in Baltimore and Virginia is how he chooses to run out the rest of his years. Indie rock, retro gaming, and wawa are the fastest ways to his heart. <> @ImaginaryNomad

Bartender, brewer, professional sausagemaker, gym member, 36 year old video game rage-quitter. Too swole to control. Get drunk or die tryin. @Chonkey_Kong

Jenna is the only member of Botched whose bio doesn’t read like an online dating profile. She was raised in a town of nearly 700 people in the southern Piedmont region of Appalachia on a small family farm. With hardly anything more to do than clearing rocks out of fields and digging holes for fun, Jenna immersed herself in every aspect of nerd culture she could get her hands on. She enjoys consuming all forms of media and spending Saturday mornings in the hammock with a good cup of tea. @JenChil

Hailing from the Deep South, Steve is the only member of the group who has never seen a mountain in his life. Steve is a rumored to have mastered the the lost art of jambalaya-bending, and there is empirical evidence that bullets have no effect on him. @hewhoissteve