This page is dedicated to the memories of all of those who have come before us...


Season One

Sandie (Maria)

Potato (MIA) (Maria)

Naneth (Jade)

Vorrin Rhombus Poxie Took Took the Third (austin)

Karl Chundergutter (Austin)

Chad Brochill (Austin)

Carandol (Tristan)

Arandol (Tristan)

Randol (Tristan)

Andol (Tristan)

Bethla (Suzanne)

Grydik Sagbottom (Philip)

Nigel Honeytoe (Philip)

Ralph Doggendorf (Philip)

Anrika Spoons (kiki)

Season two

Russel Burton (tristan)

Matthew BenneL (tristan)

Ziggy Starhund (tristan)

Dirk Gentlemanly (Jon)

Geoff "The Jerk" Burken (jon)

Keegan Daerngal (jon)

Dashell valitine (austin)

Season three

Eugene Tilly (Dennis)

Toseth (Jon)

Oswalt (Jon)

ogilthorpe (Philip)

Ren Fenric (Jon) 

Meric Hwaet (Tristan)

Brian Fenric (philip)

Tielk (jon)

Sir Fennec (Philip)

Kip Hackmanson (Jon Whitesell)

Zabub "Bub" Grobash (Jon)

Thurstone Longstorm (Philip)

Sachey Mane (tristan)

Season four

Dixon Churbut (Philip)

Richard “Dick” Niples (Austin)

Kvrt Olsen (Tristan)

Season Five



M4c1 (Philip)

Zoop Zoop (Tristan)

Zoop Zoop (Tristan)

Season Six

Brian Benson (Philip)

Mr. Peebers (Philip)

Jeff Shindeldecker (Tristan)

Sal Carpotzie (Philip)

Mildrid Sheniwits (Jenna)

Eric Lafontaine (Tristan)

William (steve)

Mike Feaster (Tristan)

Aiden Creighton (Steve)

Dr montgomery J Boof (Philip)

Sean (Tristan)

River Tucson (steve)

Earl Simmons (tristan)

Kevin schmuck (Philip)

samantha (Tristan)

Stetson Aftershave (steve)

Charlie Benson (Jenna)

Season Seven

William HenryChinaski (Philip)

Ned (Tristan)

Bess'e'mae (Steve)

H.E.C.K. (Jenna)

Skrothor (Tristan)

Season Eight

Chord Blockschmer (Philip)

Anthony Lonzani (Tristan)

Punch Boulder (Steve)

Bubba Gein (Philip)

stynk (steve)

Dick Kimble (Philip)

Cody Mann (Tristan)

joe biden (steve)

Joey Mitts (Philip)

marley (steve)

Jimmy Juice (Tristan)

tony juice (Philip)

trim pickles (steve)

bruce jenkins (Philip)

Matt Choi (steve)

Phyllis Sif (steve)

Stay-c viles (Philip)

Stewart Patterson (Philip)

oleg bobrovsky (Philip)

vasily blagojevich (steve)

super comrade borscht (tristan)